Flow brakes

With the use of HydroStyle flow brake structure (i.e. by utilizing the existing storage capacity of the sewer system) the purpose is to reduce costs as much as possible and to protect the environment.
Stormwater reservoirs having the function of protecting surface waters are often omitted because of the high capital expenditure required. At the same time, the existing sewer systems (which are generally dimensioned for the peak loads), have extremely large storage capacities, the utilization of which would be very convenient. This purpose can be well accomplished with the HydroStyx discharge brake system, which is to be used right from the uppers sections of the sewers forming a cascade configuration in the subsequent parts of the sewers. The construction of the brakes allows their installation into the existing shafts. The calculated water quantity flows through the bottom orifice to the subsequent part of the sewer. Rainwater tends to accumulate in front of the flow brakes when the rainwater quantity increases. The debris in the water sinks and is carried to the wastewater treatment plant with the flow close to the bottom. At the time of heavy raining the combined water flows over the crest of the brakes. As a result, the sewer regains full capacity again.

Downloadable document HydroStyx