Mobile barrage structures

These structures could have many different designs when prepared for various purposes, such as flood control, separation of pool parts or sewer sections, or for holding water for other functions

The structure consists of lateral recipient frames aligned vertically, in which horizontal insert girders could be placed manually or with lifting devices. Hold-down mechanisms are located above the topmost girder, which have a function of compressing the girders that could be fitted together with sealing profiles. The compressed girders can provide a closing quality corresponding to the German closing standard DIN 19569-4.

The material of the recipient frames is stainless steel (1.4301) or acid resistant steel (1.4571). The material of the insert girders is aluminium generally, but it could be made also from stainless steel if specifically ordered.

The mode of fixing the mobile walls could vary depending on the water to be retained and on the size of the orifice to be closed. Concrete foundation is necessary at the bottom in case of high water level and long orifice. It could be sufficient to fix the mobile barrage to the side walls in case of small orifices and/or low water level, as well as when the purpose is the protection of some facilities.

Photos: Ágoston Dezső - Origó